Wood & steel price increase

Dear customers

We have tried for a long time to delay this price increase. However, the worldwide shortage of raw materials, the resulting price increase and the higher freight costs unfortunately make it impossible for us to maintain our previous prices.

As we do not want to neglect our quality under any circumstances, we are now unfortunately forced to adjust our prices.

However, we also have some good news! The "old" prices will remain in place until Sunday, 12.09. So strike now and secure our previous prices!

Holzpreis Erhöhung pamo

Source: https://www.handelsblatt.com/finanzen/maerkte/devisen-rohstoffe/kupfer-oel-holz-der-neue-rohstoff-fluch-rekordpreise-lasten-auf-den-gewinnerwartungen-der-deutschen-industrie/27171944.html

Stahlpreis Erhöhung pamo

Source: https://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/industrie/handelsblatt-jahrestagung-zukunft-stahl-der-aktuelle-boom-truegt-der-stahlbranche-droht-schon-der-naechste-absturz/26992484.html